Greetings! *** John Goerzen [2022-01-20 15:45]: >And according to the FAQ [1] , it is only supported on >Linux on x86_64 (with "preliminary" support for arm64). And indeed its latest commit even does not build on FreeBSD, so I used one that was mentioned in >vendor/ constant 9223372036854775807 overflows int > >That doesn't bode well.. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there are >other issues that would keep it from working on 32-bit platforms, or >non-Linux ones. Probably and I won't be surprised too. But I would change constant in snd.go from MaxInt64 to MaxInt32 and try to build it again. NNCP requires relatively small part of gvisor's overall code, so I think there is high probability that everything will work fine after. Personally I do not try to support 32-bit systems too, as also many other software. For example ZFS officially is not supported on non 64-bit systems. Even in Go 32-bit support is not so trivial thing to reach: it is not only about "int" width expectations (as I thought some years before), but for example sync/atomic clearly states that you have to manually align fields in structure on 64-bit boundaries, otherwise those atomic instructions may painfully fail. With 64-bit code you do not care much about that alignment, because int, int64 and pointers are all 64-bit and "automatically" aligned. It is just much easier to write 64-bit code. I try to make no expectations about "int" width and clearly define int32/int64 where it is appropriate and important, but I do not know how many other potential differences (like sync/atomic) there are. >I don't know if there are other TCP implementations for Go that are >usable. I do not know too. I heard about gvisor from the comment in my blog :-) >I do have NNCP 8.2.0 compiling on NetBSD, but whether it will work >correctly, or keep working over time given the gvisor FAQ, is another >question I guess (I don't have the environment to try that part yet). I test in on FreeBSD. But pay attention that I use its some months older version, mentioned in Wireguard (probably because of the same reasons). Its latest one does not build on FreeBSD at all. But it does not make its older version buggy on unable to work :-) >I'd much rather >have a uTP/TCP mismatch than sacrifice platform support in NNCP for >sure. I can add some kind of build switch (GO_CFLAGS="-tags XXX") and add support of μTP as a replacement of TCP/IP. Yggdrasil-related code will stay the same, but it will just use utp-code for Listen/Dial functions, instead of gvisor's tcpip-code. Of course with returned drawback of inability to deal with other nodes over TCP/IP, just only with the same NNCP-μTP nodes. I definitely do not wish to remove/revert tcpip, because it works faster and honestly acts as real host with IPv6+TCP network stack. I do not like utp-implementation at least because it depends on library, having no information about its acceptable usage, that actually has to be treated as non-free software. It is pretty small and one can rewrite/replace its usage with something clearly free, but someone has to do it (I do not want). And it is not clear in what state is's code, that explicitly notes that you should use libutp-wrapper library instead (depending on again), that is also not an option, because requires linking with C++ code, instead of pure-Go one. When I searched for transport implementation libraries a year ago, I did not find anything like simple TCP-like protocol implementation. Of course one can write very simple transport protocol with trivial headers and ACKing of every segment, but that will have awful performance. I did not find anything with sliding window support, something like Zmodem at least. With direct TCP connection between the nodes there are no questions about transport protocol, because all of them are guaranteed to be delivered in order, but although Yggdrasil uses TCP between the peers, packets still can have various routes (can be reordered) without actual delivery guarantees. Simple protocol without sliding window will be slow. Probably I searched badly. I met pure-Go QUIC implementation, but as far as I remember TLS can not be turned off in it. I won't accept that TLS complication and huge unneeded overhead. So I hope replacing "s.sndSsthresh = math.MaxInt64" with MaxInt32 will solve the issue. -- Sergey Matveev ( OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF